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- Complaints
Sorry to hear that you have a complaint, our apologies!
We recommend that you notify us of any complaints before processing the fabric by sending an email to [email protected].
- We cannot process your complaint if the fabrics have been cut, washed, made up or processed in any other way.
- A complaint must be reported to us within 14 days of receipt.
In case you don’t find your complaint has been resolved, you have the option to file your complaint with Stichting WebwinkelKeur. Since the 15th of February it’s also possible for consumers in the EU to report complaints to the ODR platform of the European Union. This ODR platform can be found at http://ec.europa.eu/odr.
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Bekijk je bestelgeschiedenis. Sehen Sie sich Ihren Bestellverlauf an . View your order history .
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from 8:30 to 17:00
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Boelens Modestoffen V.O.F.
Venbroekstraat 9
5253 AS Nieuwkuijk